


尖叫的头骨》由艾历克斯·尼科担任导演,联合主演:约翰·赫德森,佩吉·韦博,拉斯·康威等全明星阵营的电影,截至2024-04-27在丝路网在线观看85次,并收获好评弹幕15条。《尖叫的头骨》情节简介:The film begins with a disclaimer about the opening of the coffin. The narrator explained that the climax of the film was so horrible that it might kill the audience, and assured the audience that if they died of fright while watching the film, they would receive free funeral services and close it on the coffin. There was a card inside the coffin with "" on it; Keep" for you; [1] The newlyweds Jenny (Peggy Weber) and Eric (John Hudson) moved into Eric's magnificent country house. Jenny is Eric's second wife; His first wife, Marion, died when she slipped and hit her head against the edge of a decorative pond in the manor. At home, they met Eric's friend, Pastor Snow (Ras Conway) and his wife (Tony Johnson), as well as the stunted gardener Mickey (Alex Nicole). Eric privately mentioned to Snow and his wife that Jenny had spent some time in a shelter after her parents died suddenly. Mrs. Snow revealed that Jenny was very rich. Mickey believes that Marion's ghost is wandering in the manor, and Jenny is also uneasy about Marion's self-portrait in the house. Jenny thinks Marion's self-portrait is very similar to her mother. When she began to hear unexplained screams and saw the skulls around the house, she believed that Marion was bothering her. Although Eric speculated to Jenny that Mickey might be behind the fraud, and Mickey was Marion's childhood friend, so he didn't like Jenny, but Jenny was worried that she would go mad. Eric then suggested removing Marion's self-portrait from his home. Eric and Jenny took the painting outside and burned it. When they cleaned up the remains of the painting, a skull emerged from the ashes. When Jenny saw the skull, she felt panic. Eric denied that the skull was there. Jenny fainted. Eric took out the skull and hid it, revealing the trick he had been doing to get her wealth. Jenny believes that she has finally lost her mind and is determined to devote herself. She told Eric that as a last resort, the whole house would be carefully searched for skull. Before Eric retrieved the skull, Mickey stole it secretly and took it to the priest, revealing Eric's plan. That night, Eric was going to murder Jenny and treat her as suicide. Jenny saw the ghost of Marion in Mickey's greenhouse and ran back to the house. When she came in, Eric began to stop her. The ghost then appeared and chased Eric around the real estate; It finally turned and attacked him, drowning him in a decorative pond. After Jenny regained consciousness, the Snow family arrived. Mrs. Snow comforted the hysterical Jenny that the priest found Eric's body in the pond. After some time, Jenny and Snow left home. Pastor Snow announced that whether Marion's death was an accident would remain a mystery.与丝路网一起探索在线观影天花板!免费观看全集在线播放热门电影、高品质无遗漏完整版高清影片!无论是恐怖片、爱情剧还是悬疑惊悚经典归纳,丝路电影网都为您提供了一站式的优质内容!立即加入,让您的免费观看全集在线播放体验升级!

