Kevin Kaufman
利普丽·索博,Lev Gorn,苏珊·萨兰登,马克·门查卡


(Kid Witness)故事概要

王牌案件》情节简介:When Olivia's mother, who is 10 years old, went on a business trip on weekends, she left Olivia alone at home, with her 17-year-old brother Miles in charge. On the first night, Olivia fell asleep on the sofa and woke up unaware of how late it was already. She walked her dog Charlie without Miles' knowledge and witnessed a young woman kidnapped on an empty street in New York City. Olivia ran home to tell, but he didn't believe her. The next morning, she explained what had happened to the local police, and they didn't believe her either! Only a cynical female detective Dottie (played by Oscar winning Susan Sarandon) listened to Olivia's words, but she also held a skeptical attitude. Olivia bravely launched her own investigation without hesitation, putting herself in a dangerous situation. Her practical spirit ignited one extraordinary adventure after another. Can she outsmart bad people and persuade her brother and Dotty to believe the truth in time to save the day?与丝路网一起探索在线观影天花板!全集免费观看完整版热门电影、完整高清无剪辑导演限定版高清影片!无论是悬疑片、爱情剧还是悬疑惊悚全篇,丝路电影网都为您提供了一站式的优质内容!立即加入,让您的全集免费观看完整版体验升级!

