
电影2008美国2024-05-02 11:37
剧情:After spending vacation with his parents, Mickey went to the airport to reunite with his wife and newborn. It's just that he didn't board the plane. On the contrary, he returned to his parents' attic in lower Manhattan and his childhood room, which was later transformed into a storage room. Due to uncertainty about his motives, he fabricated excuses for staying - his flight was delayed and his flight was cancelled. One day passed, another day passed, and he called home and work, saying he couldn't come back yet - his parents are getting older, his parents are sick, and the time is too short. His doting mother is very willing to let him procrastinate, while his artist father is skeptical. From a distance, his confused wife became increasingly uneasy. At the same time, Mickey moved back to his room, flipped out his notebook and souvenirs, and visited his old friends. As time passed, he became increasingly ingrained in the shelter of teenagers, to the point where he had to make a choice between the current state of life and the current state of life-- © Official website


