剧情:After experiencing heartbreaking miscarriage and failure in her modeling career, Elise now finds herself without a career and living as the full-time wife of a wealthy businessman who seems to have grown tired of her for many years. Due to concerns about his infidelity, Elise went to monitor him when she met a mysterious and charming photographer. They developed a passion between the two, and a passionate relationship began. The photographer showed Elise places and feelings she had never felt before; Introduce her to bed with various men. When they were conducting sexual experiments together, Elise's husband gradually realized that he might be losing Elise. He tried to reignite the spark in their relationship, making her feel guilty about her secret relationship. When the photographer threatened to blackmail her with their secret sex video together, she planned to announce a breakup. The photographer controlled her, followed her, and ensured that Elise had nothing but him. A story about love...

