Rick Bota
琳赛·肖,德雷克·迪勒,Chiara Aurelia,Max Page,艾米丽·罗斯,卢卡斯·布莱恩特,艾赛亚·华盛顿,艾丽克斯·伊丽莎白·吉特,卡尔·T·怀特



秘密夏天》由Rick Bota担任导演,联合主演:琳赛·肖,德雷克·迪勒,Chiara Aurelia,Max Page,艾米丽·罗斯,卢卡斯·布莱恩特,艾赛亚·华盛顿,艾丽克斯·伊丽莎白·吉特,卡尔·T·怀特等全明星阵营的电影,截至2024-05-05在丝路网在线观看146次,并收获好评弹幕11条。《秘密夏天》情节简介:Assessor Rachel (played by Lindsey Shaw) receives news that her top client wants to acquire a beloved library in a small town and build a resort and spa on the land. Rachel completely opposed the idea of leaving New York, but failed in the argument with the boss. So Rachel packed her luggage and flew to California. On her first visit to the library, she met writer Jack (played by Derek Theler), who was studying the story of Captain Black Barthes' hidden treasure for his next novel. With the hope of saving the library, Mrs. Archer (Rachel Ticotin), the librarian, urges Jake to show Rachel the significance of the library to the town. Jack has a lot to do in summer research and taking care of his niece Haili (played by Chiara Aurelia) and nephew Noah (played by Max Page), but he agrees to help. When Rachel learned what the library meant to the community, she had to find a way to save it before it was too late.提示:即刻加入丝路在线影院网址 www.sl114.cn,畅享高清《秘密夏天》高保真无缺失完整版,更多家庭片源,无需注册,无VIP限制和繁琐广告!只需打开丝路网网址:www.sl114.cn ,尽情欣赏各类好看的免费电影!

